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Myths About Breastfeeding

When you first begin breastfeeding your child, you will get a lot of suggestions, some of which will be useful and some of which will be less so. Unfortunately, it’s a well-known reality that a great deal of misinformation plagues the field of nursing, and it’s not always easy to disentangle the truth from the fiction surrounding the practice.

The following are some of the most widespread misconceptions about breastfeeding:

Myth 1: A mother has water in one breast and food in one breast.

The mother’s both breasts contain milk – the foremilk and the hindmilk. These two kinds of milk are both necessary for the infant. In addition, colostrum, the milk produced in the early days, is a child’s nectar. Therefore, it provides nourishment for the youngster.

Myth 2: If the size of the breast is small, will there be less milk?

The breast’s form has no bearing on the amount of milk produced. Adipose tissue and secretive tissue are the two types of tissues found in the breast. Adipose tissue is a kind of fat; if there is more of it, the breasts are larger.

Secretory tissue also produces milk. So your breast size is merely fat, and it has nothing to do with how much milk you can keep or make at once.

Myth 3: Will drinking milk increase mother’s milk?

Allowing the infant to fully empty the breast when nursing is the only technique to improve milk production since this causes the milk ducts to produce more milk. As a result, consuming a mother’s milk won’t make you produce more milk.

Myth 4: If the first child is not able to feed, will it happen in the second child as well?

If this is the case, you must identify the issue before speaking with your lactation specialist.

Myth 5: Should we eat special food while breastfeeding?

You are permitted to consume your previous diet. However, eat more meals, drink more water, and avoid food from outside sources if you notice that your appetite is increasing. Avoid being ill since it could be challenging to feed the baby if you do.

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    Myth 6: Breastfeed the baby for at least 20 minutes.

    There isn’t a set time like that. When it comes to milk consumption, the amount of time a baby spends sucking is crucial. The child’s hunger will determine how long it will take; it might be anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes.

    Myth 7: A mother cannot take medicines while breastfeeding.

    A woman may take a wide variety of medications while she is nursing. Your doctor will administer the appropriate medication. If you see the doctor while you are ill, mention that you breastfeed.

    Myth 8: Baby only needs milk for one year.

    An infant needs breast milk for at least two years, according to the WHO. So even though the kid may require more food after a year, milk still provides the nourishment that the infant needs.

    Myth 9: If the mother is sick, do not give milk.

    If the mother is unwell, it is apparent that the infant was exposed and picked up the disease’s antigens. He won’t develop antibodies, which will make him stronger and enable him to fight off antigens if you stop giving him milk. So you should undoubtedly breastfeed if you’re unwell.

    Myth 10: If the child has loose motion/diarrhea, the mother should not give milk.

    A sick youngster gets agitated, refuses food, and struggles to digest anything properly. He is most in need of you and your milk in this circumstance. He will gain strength and all the nourishment he needs to feel happy from your milk.

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      Myth 11: The breast should be cleaned every time before feeding.

      It isn’t always required. The breast’s areola glands release a substance that maintains the breast clean and moist. Cleaning that region often will cause it to dry out and cause cracks. You may clean when you notice that you’re sweating or that it smells terrible.

      Myth 12: Breastfeeding causes breast sag.

      The breasts expand throughout the first half of pregnancy, and by the sixteenth week, milk production begins. So even if you don’t continue to consume milk after giving birth, those modifications have already taken place.

      Myth 13: Cesarean cannot breastfeed after delivery.

      You may feed the infant regardless of the delivery method. Even if the mother is unable to move after birth, the staff and professionals will put the baby with you so you may nurse.

      Myth 14: If the mother wants to go to work or start going to the office, then she has to stop breastfeeding.

      Any member of your household may feed your infant this milk. You must express milk to keep up the supply. If it’s feasible, store this milk if you’re at work. You may remove and preserve the milk if you leave or return to the workplace.

      Myth 15: Formula milk is the same as breast milk.

      It’s not true. Mother’s milk is the most excellent source since it is a living fluid that includes hormones, growth factors, and cells. However, formula milk is inferior to breast milk and lacks the required components.


      Breastfeeding is essential because it gives your infant the most impressive possible start in life. Therefore, you must listen to your body’s natural cues as a mother as well as the needs of your child to have a productive and satisfying nursing experience.

      About Author

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      Dr. Rani Balgude

      Infant and Young Child Feeding Specialist
      Contact: +91 88888 22222
      Email – [email protected]

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