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Common Mistakes while Breastfeeding Babies and How to Fix Them?

Breastfeeding is very beneficial for newborns. But there are also some breastfeeding mistakes that mothers make. Thus, we will help you understand the common mistakes a mother makes during breastfeeding through this article.

10 Common Breastfeeding Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Here is a list of common breastfeeding mistakes that a mother makes.

1. Do not hesitate –

You should not ignore or hesitate that your child cannot breastfeed. Usually, all women believe that breastfeeding is natural and all the babies are well aware of it; thus, if any woman faces this problem, she cannot express it or ask for help.

But it would be best to keep in mind that it is necessary to consult someone and get help as soon as possible. Hence, you can talk to the doctor and get the solution without any delay.

2. Think about the solutions –

Many times, you are given various suggestions on breastfeeding from your family members or friends, or relatives. Still, it would be best to be cautious before trusting them and applying those remedies as they can cause harm.

Hence, you are suggested to consult a professional and get answers to your questions for a better solution.

3. Sit upright –

It has been noticed that women do not take care of themselves during breastfeeding. Their sitting posture is incorrect and maybe the reason for their pain and uneasiness, which resist them from properly feeding the child.

So, if you feel any pain during breastfeeding, make sure to resolve it by sitting in a proper posture, taking back support, keeping the pillow on the lap, and placing the baby on the pillow. So, rather than bending downward, hold the baby high for breastfeeding.

4. Feed the baby in a sleeping posture –

As you have to feed the baby for 1 to 2 years, the only way to feed the baby doesn’t need to be through a sitting posture. But many women don’t know that feeding a baby in a sleeping posture is also safe for the baby.

For this, you need to follow some precautions. You need to be awake, place the baby in a slightly slanting position, and after feeding the baby, ensure to hold the baby upright for his better burping.

5. Breastfeeding Latch –

It has been observed that while breastfeeding, the mothers only provide the nipple to the baby, due to which the baby does not get enough milk.

Furthermore, this can cause pain and wound. So, breastfeeding the latch (hold) over the breast is very important as breastfeeding completely depends on it. Thus, while feeding the baby, keep in mind to provide the whole nipple portion (areola) to the baby for better grip.


6. Do not pull the baby forcefully –

Pulling the baby forcefully for breastfeeding is another mistake. This can irritate the baby and make him cry and would certainly be the reason for the baby not to feed properly.

So, you should grab the baby carefully, set the baby to your breast level by placing a pillow underneath, hold the baby with his neck rather than the head, and make the baby touch the nipple. This would help the baby to develop an interest in feeding.

7. Baby sleeps during breastfeeding –

You must have noticed that during breastfeeding, the baby sleeps. This doesn’t mean that the baby has enough milk and is full; this can happen because the baby is not getting the latch or proper milk flow.

So, ask your lactation consultant to get the solution to understanding whether the baby is getting enough milk or the baby is sleeping because they are not getting milk.

8. Feed the baby after he awakes –

Being a mother, you might have heard that if the baby is crying, let them be, as they will feed better after crying. But this is a wrong statement. Usually, newborn babies sleep for 4 to 5 hours, and when they awake, they are hungry.

At the same time, they are irritated, which makes their feeding capability low. So, be aware of the signs of the baby being hungry to provide them milk at the correct time rather than waiting for them to stop crying.

9. Diet restrictions for mothers –

Women are often on a strict diet after birth, believing that what the mother eats affects the baby. But this is not true.

So, if you do not have any health issues, you need not follow a strict diet. If you eat better, the production of milk will be better.

10. Believe in yourself –

Many breastfeeding mothers do not believe in breastfeeding ability. They always think that breastfeeding is difficult and she would never be able to learn it.

But, you need to know that breastfeeding is psychological as milk production is somehow related to your mental health. So stop questioning your breastfeeding ability.

Make sure to follow these tips to avoid mistakes during breastfeeding.

About Author

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Rashmi Poduval

Lactation Consultant
Contact: +91 88888 22222
Email – ask@sahyadrihospitals.com

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