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Seizures in the Children – Cause, Signs and Symptoms

A seizure is a burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between the brain cells causing temporary abnormalities in the muscles or movements. These abnormalities include stiffness, twitching or limpness, behaviors, sensations, or states of awareness.

Causes of seizures

There are several causes of seizures among children. Here are some causes below:

Simple febrile convulsions –

A simple febrile seizure is a convulsion in a child that is caused by a fever from an infection. Febrile seizures mostly occur in young and healthy children who are developing normally and didn’t have any neurological symptoms before.

Whereas, the fits or seizures that are attacking the child without fever are the more serious ones. In this case, make sure to consult the physician immediately.

Imbalance of chemical mediators in the brain –

The brain consists of several activity chemical mediators which become imbalanced. As a result, seizures or fits start to occur.

Signs and symptoms of seizures in children

The signs and symptoms that are seen among children in case of seizures are:

  • There may be a jerky movement in the arms or legs, fists closed tight and your child may also stop taking milk.
  • A change in the vision of your child.
  • Uncontrolled urinating.

However, sometimes seizures may also occur even without these symptoms. If sudden seizures occur, then it is an unusual symptom.

The most common reason for seizures is fever. Besides, if your child is getting seizures because of fever, do check whether your child’s growth is normal. If the growth of your child is normal, then such seizure or fits attacks are harmless.

On the other hand, if your child’s development and growth are not normal, then in this case it can be harmful.

Sometimes these fits or seizures are the actions of imbalance of nutrients in your child’s body. These nutrients are magnesium, calcium, and glucose. Some children may have infections like meningitis, which results in the infection of the brain. This infection causes fever and further results in seizures.

Seizures can be difficult to cope with if your children suffer from them. Contact your doctor today in order to help them cope. Get your children back on track with the help of the best paediatrician in Pune.

What to do if your child experiences a seizure attack?

If your child is experiencing seizures or fits attacks for the very first time, then you don’t have to worry. At the initial stage, seizures are not harmful to your child and usually, he or she will become normal within 2-5 minutes.

However, if the seizure attack is lasting for more than 5-10 minutes, then your child will be needing immediate medical assistance. Such seizures can be fatal and dangerous for your child, as it decreases the oxygen level in the brain.

Make sure you try to reduce the fever of your child if sudden seizures start occurring. If your child is under a seizure attack, turn your child in a lateral position. Also, do not put anything in your child’s mouth, not even your finger.

Moreover, you should try to continuously change the position of your child to check whether the breathing is proper. Make sure to call for immediate medical help.

However, there are several medications available for seizures or fits. These medications are known as Midazolam Nasal spray.

This is sprayed inside the nose of the child to stop the seizures immediately. Soon after the fits stop, make sure to take your child to the hospital for further medical assistance.

Steps to take in case of non-febrile convulsions or fits

If your child is encountering seizures or fits without any fever, then this is a case of emergency. Usually, children of 6 months to 5 years face normal febrile convulsions and may also last up to 9 years. But if your child is only 2-3 months old and encounters seizure attacks, then these are not febrile convulsions.

However, mixed medications can trigger in children with both well-controlled and poorly controlled epilepsy. Seizures can occur more often than normal, which is more intense and may develop into long seizures called status epilepticus.

Although, the cure duration is different for every child. In some cases, medications may last up to two years. If your child is experiencing a period of freedom from seizures and then suddenly is experiencing it again, such an event is a breakthrough seizure. When these breakthrough seizures occur, it can be severe clinical consequences for your child. In this case, make sure to give medications to your child as suggested by the doctor.


Therefore, the more frequent and more severe the seizures, the more neurobehavioral disorders are to be developed. However, these disorders are responsible for evaluating patients with epilepsy both at the initial stage and follow-up.

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Dr. Sagar Lad

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