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What Should Be the Diet Chart After Angioplasty?

Diet Chart After Angioplasty

Most people are symptomatic of the most common heart disease called Coronary heart disease. In Coronary heart disease, the veins and arteries get blocked by some substance known as plaque. The process of removing this plaque and re-imposing the blood flow is called Angioplasty.

Doctors use Stent placement and angioplasty surgery to bring back the blood flow properly. Both the surgeries are two different procedures of opening veins and arteries. However, a surgeon performs a stent placement after the angioplasty surgery.

When angioplasty is done by the doctors?

Angioplasty is a medical process that restores blood flow in patients with coronary heart disease. It is a complex process, and your doctor might suggest it when you need it. A doctor suggests angioplasty on the following conditions:

  1. To break down the build-up of plaque in the heart in patients with atherosclerosis.
  2. In a condition where there is no change in the patient after several medications. 
  3. To lower down the chest pain called angina. 
  4. To lower down the risk factor of a heart attack. 

What are the possible complications after an angioplasty?

Angioplasty is not a high invasive form of surgery, but surgery means there are possibilities of complications. According to the researcher, some common complications you can face include the following:

  1. Formation of lump– Sometimes blood gets clotted in the stent area and it can result in the slum of the arteries. The doctors will provide you with accurate medications and consumption that can lower the risk of the formation of blood lumps. 
  2. Re-shrinking of the artery– If the doctor has to do both angioplasty and stent placement, then there are chances of shrinking your artery that can cause a direct heart attack. 
  3. Bleeding– You might bleed at the incision site. It is not so common, but it can be highly dangerous and need an immediate blood transfusion in the body.

Some other not so common complications are hereby listed below for your better understanding:


  1. Heart AttackThis is a rare form of complication, but you may have a heart failure at the time of this procedure.
  2. Coronary Artery Damage- There are possibilities that your artery might get torn apart at the time of surgery.
  3. Kidney malfunction- Normally, this is not a common form of complication but can be seen in a smaller ratio. The liquids used at the time of angioplasty and stent placement can damage your kidney at a high rate. 
  4. Stroke- During the time of surgery if the plaques break down it directly gets into the brain causing a stroke. Though this is not a common type of complication the surgeon prefers using blood thinner to reduce the risk factor

What happens during angioplasty?

During Angioplasty, you have to go through surgery where a balloon-attached stent is placed in your artery. This surgery is normally performed to clear out the blocked arteries. The surgeon normally performs this surgery by anesthesia. The stent used in this surgery helps the artery from contraction. Furthermore, the stent used in the angioplasty helps to maintain the blood flow.

Have queries or concern ?

    What are the Dos and don’ts after angioplasty?

    Some of the Do’s and Don’ts Are listed below that you should follow to have a healthy life and to stay away from such complications:

    • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
    • Avoid drugs.
    • Quit smoking and drinking.
    • Keep an eye on the cholesterol level
    • Add a lot of fish items to the menu
    • Avoid driving
    • Perform the exercises that your surgeon have suggested to you
    • Maintain your weight at a constant level
    • Perform yoga and meditations
    • Say no to stress.
    • Stay calm and composed. 
    • Control the level of blood pressure, sugar, diabetes, etc.

    Uncertainly, if you find any unusual symptoms, consult it with your doctor. You should also remember that performing angioplasty is for your health and goodness. So, you have to maintain a healthy life.

    How to sleep after angioplasty?

    According to the researcher, it is said that sleeping positions decide the rate of heart problems. A poor sleep position at night can increase the rate of heart problems. After performing Angioplasty you should follow the following steps:

    • Do not sleep on your bellies.
    • Go to bed early and maintain fixed timing. 
    • Don’t eat a lot of food before sleeping.
    • Avoid any drug or alcohol
    • Stay away from caffeine. 


    You should always consider consulting with your doctor. No matter if you are having a problem or you are just having doubts. Performing angioplasty has both good and bad effects unlike other forms of surgery. If you have any queries, book an appointment with our experts.

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