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Reversal Of Diabetes

Dr. Vaishali Pathak | Diabetologist 

Reversal of diabetes

Dr. Vaishali Pathak | Diabetologist 

There was a say a few years ago, once diabetic, always diabetic

But now,, in this era,, new terminology Reversal of diabetes

Is It Possible To Reverse Diabetes?

The answer to this question is there is no cure for diabetes, but studies show it is possible for some people to reverse it. Through changes in diet, exercise and weight loss one can attain normal blood sugars without medications.

According to studies, diabetes can be reversed in two to five years. Diabetes is an ongoing process, so you need to keep a good track of diet and exercise. But it is possible for some people to go years without trouble controlling sugars.

Only Type 2 diabetes can be reversed.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes, accounting for 90% of cases.

Understanding the underlying cause of type 2 diabetes: ” Insulin resistance”

Insulin resistance happens when your blood Glucose levels are too high because cells in your muscles, fat and liver have stopped responding well to the insulin.

Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas and helps converting glucose to energy. Yes, at first, the body produces more insulin to compensate but eventually, it cannot keep up with levels of resistance.

What Are Ways To Reduce Diabetes?

  1. Weight loss reducing weight, achieving a BMI between 21 and 25 helps in reversing diabetes in the following ways:
  • Diet Modification /Lifestyle Modification

Diet modification involves no part about your diet and high protein diet. Patients are given 800 to 1000 calories, which are low in carbohydrates. Along with that, if the patient follows a regular exercise routine, there is a high chance of reversal.

When a person reduces weight, the fat deposits over the liver and pancreas are removed. This increases insulin sensitivity and helps reduce diabetes.

The quality of food must be changed according to your goal. Include foods like good fats, whole grain, lean meat protein like fish and poultry . Soy beans, fresh veggies and fruits. Limited alcohol.

  1. Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a type of surgery that is used to reduce stomach size. It reduces 20 to 30% of body weight.

  1. Newer Medications

VICTOZA or RYBELSUS which are available for weight loss, are now new ways to reduce weight and reverse diabetes, but of course, with Diabetologist’s consultation.


The reason for the relapse of diabetes is because sometimes the patient is not able to maintain weight. If sugars and HbA 1C starts rising one should consult a diabetologist, who will suggest best possible treatment to reduce sugars either in form of medication or weight loss and exercise.




  1. Is it possible to reverse diabetes?
    Type 2 diabetes can often be reversed or managed with lifestyle changes, but Type 1 cannot.
  2. What lifestyle changes help reverse diabetes?
    Healthy eating, regular exercise, and weight loss can significantly improve blood sugar control.
  3. Can medication be stopped after reversing diabetes?
    Always consult a doctor before stopping medications, even if symptoms improve.
  4. What role does diet play in reversing diabetes?
    A low-carb, high-fibre diet helps stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.

How long does it take to reverse diabetes?
The timeframe varies depending on individual health and adherence to lifestyle changes.

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    About Author


    Dr. Vaishali Pathak

    Diabetologist, Sahyadri Hospital Deccan Gymkhana Contact: +91 88888 22222
    Email – ask@sahyadrihospitals.com

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