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Home > Blogs > Orthopaedics > What You Need To Know About Knee Replacement Surgery

What You Need To Know About Knee Replacement Surgery?

To perform everyday activities like walking, bending, kneeling and squatting, normal knee function is essential. However, you may find that over time your knee has become painful and a knee replacement surgery is the only solution. Due to modern medicine and advanced surgical techniques, Joint preservation is possible either natural or Prosthetic.

Who Needs Knee Replacement Surgery?

Before your physician recommends an orthopaedic surgeon from a best orthopaedic hospital in Pune or other cities for a knee replacement surgery, he/she will give you some conservative treatment options. Even if you are in significant pain, your doctor will provide non-operative treatment options. These include:

  • Weight Loss Programme
  • Physical Therapy
  • Anti-Inflammatory Medications, Chondroprotective Medicines
  • Intra Arterial Cortisone Injections, Platelet `Therapy.
  • Viscosupplementation or Gel Injections

Only once you have exhausted all these treatment options will he/she consider you for a knee replacement surgery. A knee replacement can help you lead a normal and active lifestyle.

Types of replacement

The knee is divided into three compartments and knee replacement can either be partial or total.

  • Medial (inside)
  • Lateral (outside)
  • Anterior (kneecap)

A partial knee surgery is carried out for patients who have only one damaged part of the knee cartilage.

What to Expect Before Surgery

Before your surgery, your orthopaedic surgeon will lead you through their standard knee replacement routine. You will be given a date and time for your surgery and everything you need to do before your surgery. Your pre-operation tests may include blood tests, urine tests, ECG, X-rays and more.

Once your test results are available, you will be provided with anaesthesia options, the length of the surgery, and how long you’ll need to be at the hospital.

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    What to Expect After Surgery

    After your surgery, you will work with a physiotherapist who will provide you with various exercises that will help in your recovery. Furthermore, your surgeon will also explain how you should care for your wound.

    All in all, depending on your situation your doctor may give you alternate treatment options or suggest getting a knee replacement surgery. If your knee has been giving you trouble it best to consult a doctor from the ​best multispeciality hospital in Pune or another city. Make an appointment with a doctor to discuss the right course of action for you. 

    About Author

    Dr. Mangesh Udar DNB (Internal Medicine) DNB (Neurology

    Dr. Nikhil Likhate

    Orthopedic Surgeon

    Contact: +91 88888 22222
    Email – [email protected]


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