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Heart Attack : Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Heart Attack : Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Home > Videos > Oncology > Primary Symptoms of Kidney Cancer Primary Symptoms of Kidney Cancer Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, is a serious disease that begins in the kidneys, two bean-shaped organs that help in clearing waste from the body. The...
Angiography Procedure: Step by Step Guide

Angiography Procedure: Step by Step Guide

Home > Videos > Orthopedic > Investigation and Treatment of Shoulder Dislocation Investigation & Treatment of Shoulder Dislocation A shoulder dislocation occurs when the upper arm bone, or the humerus, dislodges from the socket of the shoulder blade,...
Do’s and Don’ts of Posture During Pregnancy

Do’s and Don’ts of Posture During Pregnancy

Home > Videos > Obstetrics & Gynaecology > Do’s and Don’ts of Posture During Pregnancy   Do’s and Don’ts of Posture During Pregnancy Welcome, expecting mothers! Pregnancy is an extraordinary journey filled with excitement,...
Investigation and Treatment of Shoulder Dislocation

Investigation and Treatment of Shoulder Dislocation

Home > Videos > Orthopedic > Investigation and Treatment of Shoulder Dislocation Investigation & Treatment of Shoulder Dislocation A shoulder dislocation occurs when the upper arm bone, or the humerus, dislodges from the socket of the shoulder blade,...
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