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Videos – Endocrinology

Why Should You Go For an HbA1c Test?

Why Should You Go For an HbA1c Test?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Why Should You Go For an HbA1c Test? Why Should You Go For an HbA1c Test?Dr. Madhav R. Dharme| M.B.B.S., D.N.B. Internal MedicineDiabetes is a prevalent disease in our country. In fact, India is known as the diabetic capital of...

How to Take Insulin Injection?

How to Take Insulin Injection?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > How to Take Insulin Injection? How to Take Insulin Injection?Ms PallaviImportant Things to know about InsulinInsulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas to allow cells to use glucose. When your body is not making or using...

Low sugar के लक्षण, कारण और उपचार क्या है?

Low sugar के लक्षण, कारण और उपचार क्या है?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Low sugar के लक्षण, कारण और उपचार क्या है?Low sugar के लक्षण, कारण और उपचार क्या है?Diabetes का जब इलाज किया जाता है तब एक complication है जो मरीज को हो सकता है और वह है Hypoglycemia यनेके शुगर कम होना। ये जो शुगर कम होने की...

Thyroid Disorders Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Thyroid Disorders Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Thyroid Disorders Types, Diagnosis, and TreatmentThyroid Disorders Types, Diagnosis, and TreatmentDr. Kavita Krishna | MD, DNB, EULAR (CERT) GSMC-FAIMERThyroid के विकार दो प्रकार के होते है। Hypothyrodism Hyperthyroidism...

Hypoglycemia: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention?

Hypoglycemia: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Hypoglycemia: Symptoms, Causes, PreventionHypoglycemia: Symptoms, Causes, Prevention?Dr. Madhav R. Dharme| M.B.B.S., D.N.B. Internal MedicineLow blood sugar level also known as hypoglycemia is a medical condition where your...

What Causes Diabetes in Children?

What Causes Diabetes in Children?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > What causes diabetes in childrenWhat causes diabetes in children?Dr. Milind Patil | MD(Medicine), DM(Endocrinology)Diabetes is a disorder where the blood sugar of your body rises. People generally think that adults are more...

What Are the Early Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes?

What Are the Early Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > What are the early signs and symptoms of diabetes?What are the early signs and symptoms of diabetes?Dr. Milind Patil | MD(Medicine), DM(Endocrinology)Diabetes mellitus refers to a disease that affects your body using blood...

How to Control Diabetes?

How to Control Diabetes?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > How to control DiabetesHow to control Diabetes?Dr. Madhav R. Dharme| M.B.B.S., D.N.B. Internal MedicineDiabetes is an ailment that arises due to the augmentation of blood sugar measurement in your body. Blood glucose is the...

How to take Insulin Injection? (Hindi)

How to take Insulin Injection? (Hindi)

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > How to take Insulin Injection  How to take Insulin Injection? (Hindi)Ms PallaviTypes of Insulin Insulin देने के अलग अलग तरीके है जैसे की Vial और syringes Insulin Pen Insulin Pump जब डॉक्टर्स insulin शुरू करते है तभी...

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