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Videos – Oncology

Surgical Options for Breast Cancer

Surgical Options for Breast Cancer

Home > Videos > Oncology > Surgical Options for Breast CancerSurgical Options for Breast Cancer | Dr. Bhushan BhalgatBreast cancer, a concern for many, comes with various treatment options. Surgical intervention is a key approach, and understanding these...

Breast Self Exam: Purpose, How To & Steps |  Dr Shama Shaikh

Breast Self Exam: Purpose, How To & Steps | Dr Shama Shaikh

Home> Videos> Oncology > Breast Self Exam: Purpose, How To & StepsBreast Self Examination To Detect Breast Cancer EarlyBreast cancer is a significant health concern, but early detection can make a world of difference. That's where Breast Self-Examination...

What is the Prognosis of Cancer? – Dr. Bhushan Bhalgat

What is the Prognosis of Cancer? – Dr. Bhushan Bhalgat

Home > Videos > Oncology > What is the Prognosis of Cancer?  What is the Prognosis of Cancer?When Embarking on a medical journey often feels like stepping into uncharted territories. While the path may be unfamiliar, one tool can guide patients and their...

What Tests are Done to Check for Cancer – Dr. Bhushan Bhalgat

What Tests are Done to Check for Cancer – Dr. Bhushan Bhalgat

Home> Videos> Oncology > What Tests are Done to Check for CancerWhat Tests are Done to Check for CancerCancer is a word that nobody wants to hear, but early detection is vital to improving survival rates. Medical tests offer a window into our body's inner...

Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Self-Examination and Treatment

Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Self-Examination and Treatment

Home> Videos> Oncology > Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Self-examination, and Treatment Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Self-examination, and TreatmentBreast cancer is one of the most talked-about and prevalent forms of cancer globally. With a surge in awareness campaigns...

Can Biopsy Spread Cancer?

Can Biopsy Spread Cancer?

Home> Videos> Oncology > Can Biopsy Spread CancerDebunking Myths: Can Biopsy Spread Cancer? | Expert InsightsBiopsies stand as a cornerstone in the medical world, especially when it comes to diagnosing ominous conditions like cancer. But like many medical...

Your Breast Health Journey: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness

Your Breast Health Journey: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness

Home> Videos> Oncology > Benign Breast Disease Understanding Breast Diseases : A Comprehensive OverviewBreast health is a top priority for women throughout their lives. Early detection and understanding of various breast-related issues not only instill...

The Main Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

The Main Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Home > Videos > Oncology > Primary Symptoms of Kidney CancerPrimary Symptoms of Kidney CancerKidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, is a serious disease that begins in the kidneys, two bean-shaped organs that help in clearing waste from the body. The...

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