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How to Identify Breast Cancer in the Early Stage?

Breast Cancer in Early Stage

Breast cancer is a global health concern that has seen an alarming increase in recent years, particularly in India. It is a disease often overlooked in its initial stages, a factor that can significantly affect the prognosis and treatment outcomes.

Early detection plays an instrumental role in successful treatment and recovery. We aim to provide an in-depth understanding of breast cancer, its identification, and treatment options available in India.

Understanding Breast Cancer

Breast cancer arises from the uncontrolled growth of cells in the breast tissue, leading to the formation of malignant tumours. These tumours can be invasive, spreading beyond the original tissue, or non-invasive, remaining within the area where they started.

The disease manifests in various forms, such as ductal carcinoma (cancer that begins in the milk ducts), lobular carcinoma (cancer that starts in the lobules), and inflammatory breast cancer (a rare but aggressive form of the disease).

In India, breast cancer constitutes 14% of all cancers among women, making it the most common cancer in the country. Several factors can increase a woman’s susceptibility to breast cancer, including age, family history of breast or ovarian cancer, specific genetic mutations, early menstruation, late menopause, and lifestyle factors like alcohol consumption and obesity.

Breast Cancer Starting Stage

Initial Stage of breast cancer often does not exhibit any noticeable symptoms, which is why regular screenings are crucial. However, changes such as a new lump or mass in the breast or underarm, thickening or swelling of part of the breast, skin irritation or dimpling, breast or nipple pain, redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin, or nipple discharge other than breast milk can be potential warning signs.

Breast self-examinations and routine mammograms are essential tools for early detection. Women should ideally begin monthly self-examinations in their 20s, while mammograms should start at age 40 or earlier for those with a high risk.

How To Identify Cancer In Early Stage

Recognising the signs and symptoms is the first step towards early detection. However, only a medical oncologist can provide a confirmed diagnosis. If you notice any unusual changes in your breast, it’s essential to consult a doctor immediately. Hospitals such as Sahyadri Hospital in Pune offer comprehensive care, from diagnosis to treatment, provided by an experienced team of professionals.

How Can We Detect Breast Cancer 

Detecting breast cancer early is crucial for effective treatment and better outcomes. Various methods can help identify the disease at its earliest stages:

  • Self-Examination
    Regular breast self-exams can help you detect changes such as lumps, swelling, skin dimpling, or nipple discharge. Perform these exams monthly to become familiar with the normal look and feel of your breasts.
  • Clinical Breast Examination (CBE)
    A healthcare professional can perform a clinical breast exam to check for abnormalities. It is recommended for women as part of routine checkups, especially for those at higher risk.
  • Mammography
    A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast and is the most effective tool for early detection. Women aged 40 and above, or younger for those at higher risk, should discuss regular screenings with their doctor.
  • Ultrasound
    Breast ultrasound is often used to examine lumps detected during a physical exam or mammogram. It helps differentiate between solid masses and fluid-filled cysts.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
    Breast MRI is used for high-risk individuals or when more detailed imaging is required. It can help identify cancers that may not be visible on a mammogram.
  • Biopsy
    If imaging tests show suspicious areas, a biopsy may be performed. This involves removing a small tissue sample to confirm whether cancer cells are present.
  • Genetic Testing
    Women with a family history of breast cancer may undergo genetic testing to detect mutations in genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2, which increase cancer risk.

Warning Signs to Watch For:

  • Lumps or thickened tissue in the breast
  • Changes in breast size, shape, or skin texture
  • Unexplained pain in the breast or nipple
  • Nipple inversion or unusual discharge

Regular checkups, screenings, and being aware of changes in your breasts are key to early detection and successful treatment of breast cancer.

Early Stage Breast Cancer: Prognosis and Cure

With advancements in medical science, the 5-year relative survival rate for women with stage 0 or stage I breast cancer is nearly 100%. This statistic underlines the critical importance of early detection. A multidisciplinary approach involving medical oncologists, surgeons, and radiation oncologists is essential to providing optimal patient care and improving survival rates.

Treatment for Breast Cancer

Treatment for breast cancer varies depending on the type and stage of the disease, as well as the patient’s overall health. Surgical intervention is often the first line of defence against breast cancer. It can involve a lumpectomy (removal of the tumour and a small amount of surrounding tissue) or a mastectomy (removal of the entire breast).

Additional treatments such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and hormone therapy are employed based on the patient’s individual needs. Sahyadri Hospital takes pride in providing state-of-the-art treatment options and a compassionate and personalised approach to patient care.

In Conclusion, Early detection is our most potent weapon against breast cancer. Regular screenings, self-examinations, and prompt medical attention can tip the scales in our favour. It’s important to empower ourselves with knowledge and take proactive measures towards our health.

Remember, early detection saves lives. Let’s collaborate to spread this message across India, one city at a time. Together, we can make a difference and reduce the burden of breast cancer in our country.


  • Why is early detection crucial in breast cancer?
  • Early detection increases the chances of successful treatment and survival, as it often finds cancer when it’s most treatable.
  • What are the standard screening methods for breast cancer?
  • Mammograms, clinical breast exams, and self-exams are widely recommended screening methods.
  • At what age should women start breast cancer screening?
  • Screening typically starts at age 40, but individuals with a family history may need to begin earlier.
  • What are the signs of breast cancer to watch for?
  • Lumps, changes in breast shape, nipple discharge, or skin changes are potential warning signs.
  • How often should I get screened for breast cancer?
  • Most guidelines recommend annual or biennial screenings, depending on age and risk factors.

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