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“Golden Period”: Importance Of Time In The Management Of Stroke
When it comes to successfully minimizing physical and subsequent mental and emotional damage caused by stroke, timing is everything,
Life Style
Arthritis is an inflammation of joints. Either a single or multiple joints can be affected .Arthritis affects elder patients above 55 years of age but can also affect younger population in certain conditions.
Early Signs and symptoms of diabetes?
Diabetes is one of the major health concerns in India . Almost 72 million people are suffering with diabetes. If we have knowledge regarding the early symptoms and signs of diabetes, then it will be easier for doctors to detect diabetes at an earlier stage
The Ultimate Diet for a Healthy Heart
Today, it is quite modern to say modern lifestyle but if we do not pay attention, this lifestyle can cause problems for us. Our lifestyle and diet have a great impact on our entire body.
All About Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.
NICU Baby Care
NICU stands for newborn intensive care unit. This is a nursery in a hospital that provides around-the-clock care to sick or premature babies
What is Chemotherapy for Cancer?
Doctors often recommend chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer. It has been observed that patients don’t know what is cancer? and above all, they don’t know what is chemotherapy?
Myths About Radiotherapy
Radiotherapy is a common treatment for cancer but is misunderstood by many. The advantages of using radiotherapy to treat cancer are numerous.
Diet tips for Healthy lifestyle to improve immunity
Healthy lifestyle plays an important role to protect your body and mind.
Balanced diet, regular exercise, proper rest, adequate hydration and positive mind is necessary to gain fitness .
Coronavirus: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention
As Coronavirus continues to keep the entire world on tenterhooks, countries across the world have geared up to face this challenge
City’s First Successful Mechanical Device Implant On Heart Gives New Lease Of Life To A Yemeni National
Sahyadri Hospitals conducts first successful rare LVAD procedure in Pune, an alternative to heart transplant
Specialisation Within Oncology – The Future Of Cancer Care In India
Oncology is a very vast specialization. It is further divided into Surgical, Radiation and Medical Oncology. Within each field, Oncologists can again specialize in treating particular parts of the body.
Simple Techniques Do Wonders In Reducing The Side Effects Of Radiation
Radiation therapy too is seeing continues advancements and doctors are using simple techniques to lower the side effects of radiation.
Breast And Cervical Cancer Prevention And Care At Sahyadri Hospital
In 2018, a total of 5.87 lakh women in India were diagnosed with Cancer. Out of this 28% of women were breast cancer patients, 17% were cervical cancer patients and 6% were diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Diabetic Retinopathy
संपूर्ण जगात 40 कोटी पेक्षा जास्त लोकं मधुमेह(डायबिटीज़ मेलिटस)च्या आजाराने ग्रस्त आहेत. त्याच्यातले जवळपास 8 कोटी रुग्ण भारतात आहेत. गेल्या 40 वर्षात मधुमेहाच्या रुग्णांची संख्या वाढत चालली आहे. त्यांच्यातल्या जवळपास 30 टक्के लोकांना मधुमेहामुळे डोळ्याच्या पडद्यावर दुष्परिणाम (डायबेटिक रेटिनोपथी- डी आर) असतो.