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Why Foot Care is Important in Diabetes?

Why foot care is important in diabetes
Did you know that one of the biggest complaints doctors hear from patients is pain in their feet?

It’s not surprising that foot care is important in diabetes. After all, diabetics are more susceptible to foot infections and other problems. But even if you don’t have diabetes, taking good care of your feet is essential for your health. Here are just a few reasons why foot care is so important.

What does Diabetes do to your Foot?

In fact, many people with chronic diseases first start having issues with their feet. For people with diabetes, this can be a major problem. As diabetics’ blood sugar levels rise, neuropathy can develop.

This means that they lose feeling in their feet, which can lead to all sorts of problems like cuts and blisters going untreated and severe infections. And if that’s not bad enough, high blood sugar levels also make wounds heal slowly – meaning even a small cut on your foot can turn into a big problem.


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Who is at the risk of Diabetic Neuropathy?

Neropathy is a common complication in diabetes. As many as half of all people with diabetes will develop some form of neuropathy, and up to 25% will develop diabetic foot neuropathy.

This condition usually develops slowly over time, and the first sign may be numbness or pain in the toes, feet, or legs. If you have diabetes, it’s important to check your feet regularly for any changes so that problems can be caught early and treated before they become serious.

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Risk factors for diabetic neuropathy

There are a few risk factors that can increase your chances of developing diabetic neuropathy. These include:

  • Having diabetes for a long time
  • Poorly controlled blood sugar levels
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Smoking 

If you have any of these risk factors, it’s important to talk to your doctor about ways to reduce your risk. Taking good care of your feet is an important part of this.

Have queries or concern ?

    What are the signs of diabetic foot problems?

    The most common sign of diabetic foot problems is pain. Other symptoms include numbness, tingling, or a burning sensation in your feet or toes. You may also notice that your feet feel chilly or sweaty – even when it’s not cold or hot outside. If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor right away.


    Also Read : Early Signs and symptoms of Diabetes?


    Foot examination in diabetes

    It is important to prevent complications such as foot ulcers, infection and amputation. The risk of developing these complications is increased in diabetes due to poor circulation and nerve damage.

    A comprehensive foot examination should be performed at least once a year in all patients with diabetes, and more frequently if there are any concerns about the feet. The examination should assess  the following:

    • Skin condition (including any cuts, blisters, ulcers or infections)
    • Nails (including any ingrown nails)
    • Joints and bones
    • Muscles and tendons
    • Circulation
    • Nerve function

    If any problems are found, they should be treated promptly to prevent further complications.

    How can I take care of my feet?

    Good foot care is essential in diabetes, and patients should be taught how to care for their feet on a daily basis. Following things you can do to take care of your feet and prevent problems.

    • Always wear socks and shoes – even inside your house. This will help protect your feet from cuts and scrapes.
    • Inspect your feet every day for any cuts, sores, or blisters. If you find anything, clean it with soap and water and put a bandage on it.
    • Don’t walk barefoot – even on soft surfaces like carpet or sand.
    • Don’t smoke. Smoking increases your risk of foot problems because it decreases blood flow to your feet.
    • If you have diabetes, it is important to see a podiatrist (foot specialist) regularly. They can provide expert advice on foot care
    • Drying the feet thoroughly, especially between the toes
    • Applying moisturizing cream to the feet, but not between the toes
    • Wearing well-fitting, comfortable shoes and socks
    • Trimming nails carefully

    If you follow these tips, you can help keep  your feet healthy and avoid problems down the road. Remember, foot care is important for everyone – not just diabetics. So don’t wait until you have a problem to start taking care of your feet!

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