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Videos – Endocrinology

How to control Diabetes?

How to control Diabetes?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > How to control Diabetes?  How to control Diabetes? Dr Shuchi SharmaMs PallaviIn recent years, India has been dubbed the 'Diabetes Capital of the World', a title that reflects the alarming rise in the number of people living...

How To Manage Blood Sugar Levels?

How To Manage Blood Sugar Levels?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > How To Manage Blood Sugar LevelsHow To Manage Blood Sugar Levels?Rising blood sugar levels are becoming quite common. So in a world where issue has become common, it’s very important to know how to manage blood sugar levels....

When Should Sugar Patients Stop Taking Insulin?

When Should Sugar Patients Stop Taking Insulin?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > When Should Sugar Patients Stop Taking Insulin?When Should Sugar Patients Stop Taking Insulin?As a leading center for diabetes, we frequently encounter patients who wonder when their insulin injections will stop. In this blog,...

Can Diabetes be Cured?

Can Diabetes be Cured?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Exposing the Truth about the Cure of Diabetes Exposing the Truth about the Cure of Diabetes Today, we will discuss is there  a cure for diabetes & will delve into understanding the nature of diabetes, the factors...

Which Fruits Diabetes Patients Can Consume?

Which Fruits Diabetes Patients Can Consume?

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Which Fruits Diabetes Patients Can Consume? Which Fruits Diabetes Patients Can Consume?Managing diabetes can be challenging, particularly when it comes to choosing the right foods for a balanced diet. One question we often...

Short Stature: Causes, Tests and Treatments

Short Stature: Causes, Tests and Treatments

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Short Stature: Causes, Tests and TreatmentsShort Stature: Causes, Tests and TreatmentsBeing short in stature can be a source of insecurity and social discomfort for many individuals, especially during childhood and adolescence....

Unwanted Hair on Face | PCOS

Unwanted Hair on Face | PCOS

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Unwanted Hair on Face | Causes & TreatmentsUnwanted Hair on Face | Causes & Treatments Being one of the leading Endocrinologists, we often encounter patients with unwanted facial hair. Most of them have this common...

Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Home > Videos > Endocrinology > Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes in Hindi  Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes - Symptoms, Causes, TreatmentIn diabetes, the body cannot utilize sugar (glucose) for energy; therefore, the person's blood sugar levels remain...

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