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Videos – Urology and Nephrology

Beating Kidney Stones Again and Again: How to Stop the Cycle?

Beating Kidney Stones Again and Again: How to Stop the Cycle?

Home > Blogs > Urology and Nephrology > Beating Kidney Stones Again and Again: How to Stop the Cycle?Beating Kidney Stones Again and Again: How to Stop the Cycle?In recent years, there's been a growing concern about the incidence of kidney stones among the...

Will Kidney Stone Surgery Affect on Sexual Health?

Will Kidney Stone Surgery Affect on Sexual Health?

Home > Videos > Urology & Nephrology > Will Kidney Stone Surgery Affect on Sexual Health?Will Kidney Stone Surgery Affect Sexual Health?When it comes to the complex maze of our bodies, everything seems interconnected. But does everything truly affect...

Understanding Laser Stone Surgery | Debunking Myths

Understanding Laser Stone Surgery | Debunking Myths

Home > Videos > Urology & Nephrology > Understanding Laser Stone Surgery & It's MythsUnderstanding Laser Stone Surgery & It's MythsOne of the common health conditions people suffer from is kidney stones. For a long time, surgery was the primary...

Circumcision : What is it? Reasons and Methods for Circumcision

Circumcision : What is it? Reasons and Methods for Circumcision

Home > Videos > Urology and Nephrology > Circumcision : What is it? Reasons and Methods for CircumcisionWhat is Circumcision? Reasons and Methods for CircumcisionDr. Yogesh Kaje | M.B.B.S., MS MCH (Urology)The glans (head) of the penis is uncovered during the...

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Signs and Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Home > Videos > Urology and Nephrology > Signs and Symptoms of Kidney StonesSigns and Symptoms of Kidney StonesDr. Yogesh Kaje | M.B.B.S., MS MCH (Urology)A hard gathering makes kidney stones of minerals and salts generally made from uric acid or calcium....

किडनी खराब होने के संकेत क्या है

किडनी खराब होने के संकेत क्या है

Home > Videos > Urology and Nephrology > किडनी खराब होने के संकेत क्या है किडनी खराब होने के संकेत क्या हैKidney हमारे शरीर के flank region याने कमर के बाजूमेंनिचे होती है। इनका काम साधारण भाषा में समझा जाये तो filtration का होता है। ये शरीर में स्थित गंदगी...

What is Circumcision? (Hindi)

What is Circumcision? (Hindi)

Home > Videos > Urology and Nephrology > What is Circumcision? (Hindi)What is Circumcision? (Hindi)Dr. Yogesh Kaje | M.B.B.S., MS MCH (Urology)Circumcision इस operation को हम हिंदी में खतना कहते है। इसमें Penis पे जो अतिरिक्त skin होती है जिसे prepuce कहा...

Urine Infection के कारण, लक्षण और उपचार क्या हैं?

Urine Infection के कारण, लक्षण और उपचार क्या हैं?

Home > Videos > Urology and Nephrology > Urine Infection के कारण, लक्षण और उपचार क्या हैं?Urine Infection के कारण, लक्षण और उपचार क्या हैं?Dr. Yogesh Kaje | M.B.B.S., MS MCH (Urology)Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) यह समस्या महिला एव पुरुष दोनों में दिखाई देती...

Lithotripsy क्या है और कैसे की जाती है?

Lithotripsy क्या है और कैसे की जाती है?

Home > Videos > Urology and Nephrology > Lithotripsy क्या है और कैसे की जाती है?Lithotripsy क्या है और कैसे की जाती है?Dr. Yogesh Kaje| M.B.B.S., MS MCH (Urology)Lithotripsy को medical भाषा में ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) कहते है। Lithotripsy...

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