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Blogs – Obstetrics And Gynaecology

The Phobia of Birth

The Phobia of Birth

Today I want to tell you a story. Shilpa was a happy mother, her pregnancy had been smooth, her husband was extremely supportive.

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Waterbirth Preface

Waterbirth Preface

In the condition of low sperm count, the semen you ejaculate during an orgasm contains a lesser amount of sperm than normal.

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गरोदर होण्याचे योग्य वय

गरोदर होण्याचे योग्य वय

आज कोव्हीड ला येऊन २ वर्ष झालीत आणि ३ लाटा तरीही पेशंटसना कोव्हीड लसीकरण व pregnancy बद्दल खूप शंका अन् मनात भीती आहे.

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