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Blogs – Cardiology

What is Angioplasty Surgery, and How is It Done?

What is Angioplasty Surgery, and How is It Done?

Angioplasty surgery is done to treat coronary artery disease and restore the blood flow in the body. In Angioplasty surgery, the doctors put a thin tube through the blood vessel containing a balloon at the end that helps push out the substances clotting the blood vessel.

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How to Detect Heart Problems?

How to Detect Heart Problems?

All heart problems do not come with clear warning signs. Earlier, people used to think that a heart problem is always synonymous with chest pain but that is not always the case.

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हदयरोगाची जोखीम कमी करण्यासाठी जीवनशैलीत बदल आवश्यक

हदयरोगाची जोखीम कमी करण्यासाठी जीवनशैलीत बदल आवश्यक

डब्ल्यूएचओअनुसार हदयरोगाचे मुख्य कारण हदय व रक्तवाहिन्यांमधील विकार आणि त्यामध्येहदयविकाराचा झटका,स्ट्रोक,उच्च रक्तदाब,परिघीय धमणींचा रोग,संधिवाताचाहदयविकार,जन्मजात असलेले हदयविकार आणि हदय निकामी होणे (हार्ट फेल्युअर)यांचा समावेश आहे.

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Doctor’s guidance can save life

Doctor’s guidance can save life

Every new day comes with a new set of challenges. While health is one of the most important parts of our lifestyle, it is the community of doctors that are regarded as our true companions to lead a better life.

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