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हदयरोगाची जोखीम कमी करण्यासाठी जीवनशैलीत बदल आवश्यक

हदयरोगाची जोखीम कमी करण्यासाठी जीवनशैलीत बदल आवश्यक

डब्ल्यूएचओअनुसार हदयरोगाचे मुख्य कारण हदय व रक्तवाहिन्यांमधील विकार आणि त्यामध्येहदयविकाराचा झटका,स्ट्रोक,उच्च रक्तदाब,परिघीय धमणींचा रोग,संधिवाताचाहदयविकार,जन्मजात असलेले हदयविकार आणि हदय निकामी होणे (हार्ट फेल्युअर)यांचा समावेश आहे.

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Surgery for stage 4 cancer: The Science and the Reality

Surgery for stage 4 cancer: The Science and the Reality

The diagnosis of stage 4 cancer has traditionally been associated with dejection, depression and the fear of being diagnosed with a terminal stage of this illness. But, could there be a silver lining in this cloud of darkness?

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Total Knee Replacement

Total Knee Replacement

Total knee replacement (TKR) can provide complete relief from pain, correct any deformities and help resume normal activities

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Today, cancer treatment is undergoing rapid evolution with path-breaking research and new discoveries. The advent of targeted therapy, Immunotherapy newer chemotherapy drugs and advances in surgical and radiation have converted cancer into a chronic disease and brought us closer to the desired goal of long-term cancer control or even cure.

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Take care of your liver for a healthy life

Take care of your liver for a healthy life

Over the past few years, there has been a tremendous change in our lifestyle. Unhealthy eating habits accompanied with consumption of alcohol have started putting unnecessary strain on the liver.

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Low back pain

Low back pain

A low back pain has now become the problem of the century. It is one of the most common symptoms experienced by virtually everyone at some point of time in his/her age.

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As good as it gets

As good as it gets

Some Handy Tips on staying healthy by our Dietetics Department.
The latest trend in ‘pop’ psychology reads something like this “Become smarter through brain training and increase your intelligence quotient in 30 days. 100 % guaranteed results.”

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Fight against Cancer with Precision Medicine

Fight against Cancer with Precision Medicine

Precision medicine is an approach to patient care that allows doctors to select treatments that are most suited for patients, based on the genetic understanding of their disease.

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Endoscopic third ventriculostomy

Endoscopic third ventriculostomy

Hydrocephalus literally means ‘water in brain’, but the term is used to denote an abnormal increase in the water content within the cavities of the brain. This clear fluid, called as ‘cerebropinal fluid or CSF’

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काळजी घ्या काळजाची!

काळजी घ्या काळजाची!

डॉ. बिपिन विभुते, Liver Transplant Surgeon, Sahyadri Hospitals
मानवाच्या शरीरात लिव्हर (यकृत) हा महत्त्वाचा भाग मानला जातो. त्याची अनेक कार्ये आहेत. प्रत्येक गोष्टी साठी शरीराला शक्ती देण्यापासून ते रक्ताचं शुद्धीकरणाचं महत्त्वाचं कार्य यकृत करतं

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Ways to combat stroke

Ways to combat stroke

It’s a cold winter morning. A middle-aged man residing with his family , gets up and walks to the bathroom. While on his way he develops sudden headache and falls down , on the floor.

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Managing Epilepsy

Managing Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a chronic disease and the one of the most common neurological disorder which affects people of all ages. Epilepsy, by definition is the tendency to have seizures in person without any provocative factor.

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What is an Electrophysiology (EP) Study?
Electrophysiology study is a powerful test to diagnose arrhythmia’s accurately and help treating them effectively.

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