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Heart Attack Symptoms

Heart Attack Symptoms

It’s recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible when the patient is showing symptoms of heart attack

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What You Need To Know About Knee Replacement Surgery

What You Need To Know About Knee Replacement Surgery

To perform everyday activities like walking, bending, kneeling and squatting, normal knee function is essential. However, you may find that over time your knee has become painful and a knee replacement surgery is the only solution.

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Can Diabetes Be Reversed?

Can Diabetes Be Reversed?

This is considered to be a million-dollar question and every diabetic patient wants to know the answer of this question.

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सचेतन मेंदूशल्यक्रियेचा एक सुहृदय अनुभव

सचेतन मेंदूशल्यक्रियेचा एक सुहृदय अनुभव

S. Y. B.Com. चा शेवटचा पेपर देऊन मी रमत-गमत घरी निघालो होतो. CA ची तयारी करावी की आणखीन कुठला क्लास लावावा या विचारात निघालो होतो. ऊन चांगलाच तापल होत.

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The Five Common Neurological Disorders

The Five Common Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders are a group of diseases that affect the brain and the central and autonomic nervous system. Over 1 billion people around the world are affected by some neurological disease.

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Five Common Myths About Depression That Need To Be Debunked

Five Common Myths About Depression That Need To Be Debunked

According to the World Health Organization, over 5 crore people suffer from depression in India. Over the past few years, conversations about the role undiagnosed, untreated and misunderstood depression plays on the rising number of suicides has taken centre stage.

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Everything You Must Know About The National Nutrition Week 2018

Everything You Must Know About The National Nutrition Week 2018

Proper nourishment is vital for stronger immunity in children and adults due to which they tend to fall sick less often and perform better at school and work. On the other hand, malnourished children are entrapped in a vicious cycle of poor health and poverty.

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How to prevent Acidity?

How to prevent Acidity?

We have heard people complaining about having a burning sensation in the chest or they say they have got acidity? But ever wondered what is acidity or how its caused? Let’s understand what is acidity and How is acidity caused?

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Everything You Need to Know About Hyperacidity

Everything You Need to Know About Hyperacidity

Nowadays, due to unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle, people are facing problems with acidity i.e. gas in people. Many patients come and say that “they are having gas”, “having problems with acid”.

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Operative Care After A Liver Transplant

Operative Care After A Liver Transplant

Liver transplants have revolutionized treatments for individuals diagnosed with liver disease, liver cancer, and liver failure. Replacing a damaged liver with a healthy liver is an effective treatment for liver disease, however, postoperative care plays an extremely important role to witness long-term benefits after the transplant.

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How to take care of newborn baby?

How to take care of newborn baby?

Parents, especially new parents, hate seeing their babies suffer. Plus with all the warnings about over-the-counter medications and children…

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