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Difference in Diabetes Symptoms in Men & Women

Difference in Diabetes Symptoms in Men & Women

In this article, we will define diabetes, delve into its different types, focus on the unique symptoms experienced by men and women, and discuss how they can manifest differently in men and women.

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Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

In this article, we’ll talk about what causes each type and the symptoms you might notice. We’ll also explain how to manage both types of diabetes to keep your blood sugar levels under control and avoid any problems.

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How Common Are Silent Heart Attacks?

How Common Are Silent Heart Attacks?

A silent heart attack is just as serious and life-threatening as the traditional kind, but it can come with no obvious symptoms making it challenging to diagnose.

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सिझेरियन मातांना वंदन!

सिझेरियन मातांना वंदन!

9 महिने पूर्ण झाले होते आणि एक दिवस सकाळी अचानक अंगावरून पाणी गेलं म्हणून इमर्जन्सी विभागात दाखल झाली…

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बाळंतपणातील सुटलेले पोट (मम्मी टम्मी) आणि पोटपट्टा

बाळंतपणातील सुटलेले पोट (मम्मी टम्मी) आणि पोटपट्टा

डिलिव्हरी नंतर पोटाचा जो वाढलेला घेर किंवा आकार मागे तसाच राहतो त्याला “मम्मी टम्मी” असे गोंडस नाव जरी असल तरी ही ‘टम्मी’ आमच्या नवीन च ‘मम्मी’ झालेल्या मुलींना अजिबात नको असते.

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